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Advantages of cocopeat:

  • cocopeat has a similar cation-exchange capacity (CEC) to sphagnum peat, holds water well, re-wets well from dry and holds around 1000 times more air than soil. This encourages good rooting. The result is substantially superior plant growth.
  • cocopeat is hydrophilic unlike spagnum moss and can quickly reabsorb water even when completely dry.
  • cocopeat is porous and cannot be overwatered easily.
  • A single kilogram of cocopeat will expand to 15 liters of moist cocopeat.
  • Trichoderma is a naturally occurring fungi in cocopeat. It works in symbiosis with plant roots to protect them from pathogenic fungi such as pythium which causes ‘root rot’ decease. It is not present in sterilized cocopeat. It is also destroyed by hydrogen peroxide.
  • Cocopeat is particularly stable and retains its physical properties for several years/seasons whereas peat rots away resulting in considerable cost savings for the grower.
  • The top layer dries out quickly thus providing a natural protective layer which prevents pathogens from getting to the roots.
  • Being a plant product it is by nature biodegradable.

What is Cocopeat?

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